Our platform is your gateway to the Brazilian audience, delivering compelling content that engages

2024 – AMBIENTAL MERCANTIL is the the only dedicated online content, news and marketplace in Brazil bringing all the environmental and energy sectors together. Our publications (local and international) are in Portuguese, designed especially for the Brazilian audience. We are committed to fostering knowledge-sharing and promoting innovative approaches that contribute to a more sustainable development and future.

We cover topics about:

  • ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and Sustainability;
  • Renewable Energies (as Photovoltaic Solar, Wind, Biogas, Green Hydrogen, and more);
  • Circular Economy (all around Solid Urban Waste Management and Recycling);
  • Water Treatment and Sanitation;
  • Carbon Market (addressing Greenhouse Gas Emissions),
  • And a wide range of environmental technologies, and sustainable solutions.

Partnering with us will allow you to tap into the minds and hearts of the Brazilian business community, fostering environmental and energy transformation. Together, we can create meaningful connections that drive positive change and propel sustainability initiatives forward. By joining forces, we can amplify your message, expand your reach, and make a significant impact on the environmental and energy landscape. Let us collaborate to inspire and engage the Brazilian market, leading the way towards a greener and more sustainable future.


Our comprehensive platforms of content, news, and online classified ads offer unparalleled visibility for professionals, companies, industries, organizations, institutes, and event organizers seeking to maximize their promotional impact. With a range of tailored campaigns at your disposal, we empower you to expand your audience reach and enhance the visibility of your activities.


Our high-quality digital content and news, marketing and advertising services focus on results. Through publications such as technical articles, press releases, interviews, online classified ads, internationalization support for events, and much more! Our platforms are found primarily through organic search, and by our social media engagement.

OVERVIEW | AUDIENCE 2023 (Oct2022-Oct2023)

News https://noticias.ambientalmercantil.com + Marketplace https://ambientalmercantil.com

  • Platforms are in Portuguese;
  • Over 14,000,000 million hits – global impressions by 2023;
  • +4.800.000 Pageviews | 95% Brazilian audience;
  • Average 75,000 visitors per month a year (floating audience during the year, visitors per month, depending on the season of the year);
  • +894,000 Users | Visitors online;
  • Visitors: 75% Organic Search, 20% Direct, 5% Social Media Network
  • 76% is the return rate of visitors;
  • 60% of visitors have access to our publications via Desktop (PC, Notebook);
  • 39% of the visitors have access through Mobile Phones;
  • 1% of the visitors have access via Tablet.


Are you already writing technical and sector-specific articles on blogs, websites, and social networks and seeking greater visibility? Discover our offerings designed exclusively for professionals in the environmental and energy sectors, allowing you to reach a wider audience for your publications and gain more recognition. Introducing our Columnist Plan, tailored just for you. With this plan, you can regularly compose articles on topics relevant to your field, presenting your unique perspectives and ideas. We will publish and share your articles on our platform and social networks. Intrigued? Reach out to us via email to learn more.

Know who our columnists are COLUNISTAS AMBIENTAL MERCANTIL.


For press relations and journalists, we have a special offering, the AMBIENTAL MERCANTIL MEDIA CLUB. Being a part of this club grants you exclusive access to dedicated services and email for sending press releases and agendas, ensuring that your content receives priority for online publications. The benefits are numerous! Feel free to contact us via email to learn more about joining.

How about collaborating to develop the most effective strategies for promoting companies, products, and services in the environmental and energy sectors? Let’s work together to identify the optimal approaches that will maximize visibility and generate positive outcomes for your business. Whether it’s through content creation, targeted campaigns, or tailored marketing initiatives, we are here to help you achieve your goals.

We are eager to discuss your specific needs and provide you with a comprehensive plan that aligns with your goals. Our team is ready to collaborate with you to develop effective strategies and solutions that will promote your company, products, and services effectively.

Contact us today to start defining the best strategies for promoting your offerings and making a positive impact in the environmental and energy sectors; request your personalized proposal!


Content and News Platformhttps://noticias.ambientalmercantil.com/
Publications of articles, technical papers, expert columns, interviews, and much more!


Marketplace online Ad’s Platformhttps://ambientalmercantil.com/ 
Online classifieds for Buying/Selling/Promotion of products, services, and events.


Simone Horvatin Oficial (Founder) LinkedIn
Company Page LinkedIn | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter|  Pinterest | Youtube

Eng. Reginaldo dos Santos Almeida - Sócio diretor da ECOLBIO Consultoria e Assessoria Ambiental

Fortalecendo a Sustentabilidade #8 – Desenvolvimento Sustentável: o tema do século até a criação dos ODS

Reginaldo Almeida é Engenheiro Ambiental e sócio diretor da Ecolbio, uma empresa especializada em Consultoria, Assessoria Ambiental e Gestão de Projetos. Escreve como colunista do editorial AMBIENTAL MERCANTIL SUSTENTABILIDADE e estará contribuindo periodicamente com publicações na coluna exclusiva “Fortalecendo a Sustentabilidade” […]

Carta da Terra

Nosso Futuro Comum: a definição de ‘Desenvolvimento Sustentável’ pelo Relatório Brundtland em 1987 e a Carta da Terra

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